East Kolkata Doctors Group

About EKDG

East Kolkata Doctors Group Aims

East Kolkata Doctors Group, a professional organization or learned society developed to promote high standards in medical education and practice, science, and ethics. The medical association also works to promote and protect the interests of its physician members. The largest such organization is the East Kolkata Doctors Group

Our Moto

East Kolkata Doctors Group aims to impact education and training relating to health or pertaining to branches of social science that draw from biological, environmental, psychological, physical, and medical science to promote health and quality of life and prevent disease, disability, and premature death.

Presidents' Message

“I remember the feeling of joy, almost to tears, the day I discharged my first patient from the hospital and the tears that I can never hold back during the miracle of birth. That feeling is reward for our hard work here [in medical school] and in years that follow... I can't imagine being a doctor without it... I ask you to recall the vigor and happiness of our youths and then, imagine the beauty of that energy channeled into the care of another human being.”

Dr. Binayak Sinha